Student Support Team & Behavioral Intervention Team

Student Support Team (SST) Summary of Purpose 

The Student Support Team’s purpose is to:

  1. Serve to support and educate students, faculty and staff about harm prevention and wellness based topics.
  2. Inform the College community of the resources of the College and community to students in need.
  3. Provides education and prevention activities for the College in the areas of sexual violence, drug and alcohol education, and mental health.
  4. Participate in a number of other College initiatives, including involvement in New Student Experience and policy writing (such as Title IX, Drug and Alcohol).
  5. Monitor student issues reported to the team as a proactive approach that balances the needs of the student who may be/is in crisis and the overall safety of the campus community.

Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) Summary of Purpose

When necessary, members of the BIT will meet to discuss a student issue or concern. The purpose of BIT may encompass:

  • Consultation with Program Director, faculty, or other members of the Clarkson College community on any student issue(s).
  • Gathering pertinent information regarding a student issue.
  • Evaluate information and serve as a liaison to obtain community resources to address student issues.
  • Determine protocol regarding follow up for the student issue and/or concern.
  • Ensure a plan is developed with the student.
  • Be responsible for information feedback appropriate parties.

*The BIT process does not replace faculty classroom management, disciplinary processes, and/or public safety responses to incidents.

If you have additional information for a student whom you previously referred, please provide an update


Why should I be concerned?

As a member of the Clarkson College community, the welfare of students is everyone’s responsibility. Reporting concerns early allows for the protection of the student and serves as a safeguard the community. You are strongly urged to do your part by reporting any type of behavior that could be perceived as concerning or threatening to one or more members of the Clarkson College community. The SST’s and BIT’s effectiveness depends on your commitment to the community.


What should I be concerned about?

While the following behaviors are presented to serve as a guide to help you discern whether or not to complete a Student Referral form you are encouraged to trust your intuition. If your intuition is telling you something is wrong, don’t dismiss it - report it. You don’t need to wait for tangible proof. If you have a relationship with the individual, check-in with him/her to give you a better sense of the situation. Below are examples of some issues you might observe or actually talk about with students that could warrant a Student Referral form:

Examples of Physical Changes

  • A dramatic change in energy level
  • A dramatic increase in rate of speech
  • Worrisome changes in hygiene or personal appearance
  • Significant change in weight
  • Noticeable cuts, bruises, or burns
  • Self-injurious behavior
  • Frequent state of alcohol intoxication
  • Falling asleep in class or during other inappropriate times
  • Erratic behavior

Examples of Emotional Changes

  • Inappropriate emotional outbursts
  • Increase in irritability (easily annoyed or angered)
  • Increase in negative or self-deprecating talk
  • Expression of hopelessness, fear, worthlessness, suicide or death
  • Expression of distress, family problems, and other personal difficulties
  • Exaggerated personality traits; for example, more withdrawn or more animated than usual
  • Disorganized thinking
  • Hyper vigilant or easily startled
  • Suicide ideation
  • Expression of threat to others

Examples of Academic Changes

  • Deterioration in quality/quantity of work
  • Missed assignments or exams
  • Repeated absences
  • Disorganized or erratic performance
  • Decline in enthusiasm in class
  • Sending  frequent, lengthy, “ranting” or threatening types of emails
  • Continual seeking of exceptions to deadlines

It is possible that any one of these examples, by itself, may simply mean that an individual is having an “off” day. However, if you continue to be concerned or unsure, please complete a Student Referral form. Any one serious example or a cluster of small examples necessitates an intervention.

NOTE:  In cases where a student’s behavior poses an imminent threat to you or another, contact 911 immediately.


How do I help?

The best way to help is to do something. If you are not comfortable approaching the person you are concerned about, complete the Student Referral form. If you are comfortable approaching the person, please consider the following as conversation starters:

  • “I’m concerned about you and noticed you haven’t been ____________.  How are you feeling?”  Individuals in distress want understanding and care.  Listen with respect. 
  • “What would be helpful to you right now?” 
  • “Who can help you?  Who usually helps you?”
  • “How can I help?” However, try not to be the sole lifeline for the individual; get assistance and/or seek out resources even if it means breaking a confidence.
  • “Are you thinking about hurting yourself?”
  • “Have you considered suicide?  How would you go about it?” Asking about suicide does NOT put the idea in people’s minds.
  • “How would you feel about talking with a counselor?  Let’s call right now.”
    On campus Counselor – call 402.552.2694
    Arbor Family Counseling – call 1.800-922.7379
    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline-1.800.273.TALK (8255)
    Call 911 if an immediate crisis.

What Not to Do

  • Do not promise to keep the person’s thoughts of suicide/self-injury a secret.
  • Do not leave the person alone.
  • Do not suggest drugs and/or alcohol as a solution.


How do I report a concern?

Faculty or staff should immediately inform his/her Director or Vice President, if the Director is not available, of any concerning situation. Complete a Student Referral form and provide a summary of the situation and other pertinent information. In this summary report, please provide observations of: 1) other’s reactions to the situation, 2) any threats or warnings, and/or 3) any disturbing written and/or verbal statements.


What happens after a report has been submitted?

Once you click the submit button on the Student Referral form, the report will automatically be emailed to the Director of Academic Success, who will review the form. The information is shared with the Coordinator of the Success Center who then reaches out to the student. The Coordinator of the Success Center shares resources and information specific to the issues shared in the referral form. Information is then updated regarding the student’s actions or inactions and the Coordinator shares the updated information with the person who submitted the form.

During the Student Support Team meetings student issues will also be discussed. When necessary, student issues and concerns will be triaged by the SST. For issues warranting more intervention, the Behavioral Intervention Team will convene.

BIT Committee Protocol: If necessary, the members of the BIT will meet to discuss a student issue or concern. The process may include the following:

  • Consultation with Program Director, faculty, or other members of the Clarkson College community on any student issue(s);
  • Gathering pertinent information;
  • Evaluate information and serve as a liaison to obtain community resources to address student issues;
  • Determine who will reach out to the individual of concern and ensure reach out occurred;
  • Ensure plan is developed with individual to obtain help; and
  • Be responsible for information feedback to Program Director and referring faculty.

The BIT process does not replace faculty classroom management, disciplinary processes, and/or public safety responses to incidents. 

The BIT may:

  • Recommend no action, pending further observation
  • Assist faculty or staff in developing a plan of action
  • Refer individual to existing on-campus support resources
  • Refer individual to appropriate community resources
  • Make recommendations consistent with College policies and procedures

All information should be considered confidential and not shared outside of the BIT unless the BIT deems it necessary to gain additional pertinent information to determine level of risk. 



Emergency 911
Security, Nebraska Medicine 402.559.5911
On-campus counselor 402.552.2694
Arbor Family Counseling 1.800.922.7379 (24 hour line)
WCA (Women’s Center for Advancement) 402.345.6555
Heartland Family Service 402.553.3000

Clarkson College complies with Federal regulations in accordance with FERPA and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) rule under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley (GLB) Act to safeguard all student records.