Petition for Reconsideration

A petition for reconsideration asks that an exception to a decision or policy be made because of extenuating circumstances at the director/dean level.

Petitions might be used to resolve disputes between an individual and an institution over issues such as grades, billing, financial aid, terms of employment or other similar disputes, or to review events or circumstances that have occurred in an individual's particular relationship with an institution.


  1. All petitions for reconsideration must be submitted, on the Petition for Reconsideration form, to the Registrar's office within one term following the incident in order to facilitate tracking.
  2. The Registrar's office will forward the Petition for Reconsideration form to the appropriate person(s) and schedule a meeting with the individual(s) petitioned within five business days of receipt of the Petition for Reconsideration form.
  3. The decision regarding the petition for reconsideration will be made at that meeting.
  4. The individual petitioned will notify the petitioner of the decision of the petition for reconsideration within five business days.
  5. The Registrar's office will post a letter to all involved parties of the decision within five business days.

If after receiving the results the petitioner still believes the decision is inequitable, a new petition for reconsideration may be filed to the next level of authority (within seven calendar days) following the above procedure for each level of authority, until it reaches the program director/dean. If the student is not satisfied with the decision of the petition for reconsideration, the student may contact the appropriate vice president within five days of the petition for reconsideration decision. The appropriate vice president will respond within 10 business days.