Printing on Campus
In an effort to reduce environmental and financial costs associated with excessive printing, Clarkson College launched PaperCut in summer 2016. This online print and copier management solution provides each student at Clarkson College with an account that manages your total print jobs, account balance and more.
How does PaperCut work?
Your PaperCut account will start each semester with a $10 balance. The following cost breakdown shows how many sheets you can print with $10.
Black & White
- $0.05/page (200 pages/semester)
- $0.06/duplex (up to 332 pages/semester)
Color prints
- $0.10/page (100 pages/semester)
- $0.12/duplex (up to 166 pages/semester)
How do I print from my laptop?
To print wirelessly from your laptop, you will need to install the PaperCut Mobility Print app. Follow the instructions from the link below to install the "Find Me Printers" on your laptop.
With the "Find Me Printers", you can print your document and then go to any student copier to swipe your access badge and release the document. (If you have not registered your badge with the copiers, instructions are available at each copier.)
What happens when I run out of printing credits?
If you use all of the $10 credit, you can purchase a PaperCut print card for $10 from the library during regular weekday business hours. Cards may not be available for purchase during unstaffed evening or weekend hours. Click here for more information: Clarkson College LibAnswers.
How do I login to my PaperCut account?
When you sign in to a computer on campus, a pop-up box will appear to show your current print balance. Printing balances can also be checked at .
What happens if I don’t have enough credits to print a particular job?
If your print job requires more credits than you currently have in your account, a warning message will pop up and you will be required to purchase more credits before the job will print. These can be purchased from the Student Services Suite or Library.
How do I purchase additional credits for printing on campus?
Additional credits may be purchased in the Library, located on the 2nd floor of the main College building during regular weekday business hours. Cards may not be available for purchase during unstaffed evening or weekend hours.
Follow these steps:
- Ask for a Paper-Cut card in the Library.
- Log in to your PaperCut account
- Click on the "Redeem Card" tab on the left side
- Enter the code on the card
- Library staff member contacts student accounts and a $10 fee will be charged to your student account.
A lost card cannot be replaced; a new card must be purchased.
If I don’t spend all of my credits in one semester, will they transfer over to the next semester?
At the start of each semester, the College will reset your "free" balance in PaperCut to $10. If you do not use all $10, the remaining balance will not transfer over the following semester.
If you purchased additional credits via a PaperCut Print Card, these funds will carry over each consecutive year that you are a student.
If I don’t spend all of my printing funds, can I be refunded for the balance?
Refunds will not be issued for unused credits.
Do you have additional questions?
Call the Clarkson College Help Desk at 402.552.3911.